Reverse-scanning dir 1... Ok!
rno-kiir.lha     40572  28-12-06     _________   .______   /__/\
                                  ___\__     /___|    _/  /     \ h7
                                  \   _/    /  _ \    \__/ oO  \ \__
                                  |___\_____\___\      \_\_____/
                                  [RAVE nETWORK /.
                                  oVERSCAN]                  "Kiiru"
                                                           64k intro
                                   @TUM2006]                 000/OCS
nls-nwps.lha  59089590  27-12-06                                 ..
                                    ______________________  .....:: _______
                                  _\\                      ::::  ::       //_
                                        * NUkLEUS *        `:::...........
                                         ._________      ......  ::::::::::
                                  ..______|       _/__.  :::::::: ::::::::::
                                  |      \       |   |______`::: ::::::::::
                                  |      \       |   |      \`:: ::::::::::
                                  |______|\______|________ //.:: ::::::::::
                                                        ..\/.::: ::::::::::
                                     proudly presents   :::::::: ::::::::::
                                    Nukleus wears Prada :::::::: ::::::::::
                                       feat. safir      :::::::: ::::::::::
                                    a SAFIR music COMPO :::::::: ::::::::::
                                  _ OS4 msxdisc INSIDE! :::::::: :::::::::: _
                                  /_____________________:::::::: ::::::::::_\
                                            [06-12-21]  `:::::::::::::::::'
asl-hom.txt     129702  25-12-06      __________  ______       _________
                                  - -/    _    /./     /______/        /-----·
                                    /     /     |_           /.       /.     |
                                   /      \_____:/____________|________:     :
                                  |                                          |
                                  | dipswitch/aerosol............homo.ludens |
                                  | ascii.collection..............24.12.2oo6 |
                                  !                                          |
                                  |_           _ _ ___________ _ _          _|
trk-waff.lha      4749  13-12-06            TRAKTOR
                                        PRESENTS AT 2006
                                     IN THE HOLY YEAR OF 2006
                                    --- W A F F L E N U T ---
                                  THE 4-K INTRO OF YOUR DREAMS
Trk-3spo.lha  19278361  13-12-06  Traktor - Tre Svenska pullare om Johanna
                                  Wild entry at Grep 2006
LAX-SRMX.LHA    359030  13-12-06  Laxative Effects
                                   "Spandex Remix"
                                    at GREP 2006
GREP06-r.txt      4675  13-12-06  GREP 2006 (8-10 dec, Älgarås/Sweden)
                                  Offifcial results
znn_xmas.lha   1231808  10-12-06  _ ___________________ ._____________ .____ _
                                  \\\____  \_  ____/   \|  _/  _  \   \|  _///
                                    /   ____/  _/  \_  \\   \  |   \  \\   \
                                  +-\____   \___   _/___\___/______/___\___/-+
                                  ·     `---'  `---'                         :
                                  .                pRESENTS                  .
                                  ·                X-Mastro                  ·
                                  :                                          .
                                  +------ -  -   -     -     -   -  - -[Lp!]-+
                                  'same old, we've all seen it before'
                                  -demonstration released at Grep 2006.
                                  requirements: 020+some fast mem AGA or CGFX
                                                AHI+dbplayer.library installed
HT10.LHA       1589796  08-12-06    ____ ___________    ____  ________
                                   (____)   ___    /___(____)_\   ___/___.
                                   |    |    |/   /    |    |  \___      |
                                          presents HIVELYTRACKER 1.0
                                              by XERON and SPOT
                                  .__ __._____.___________.__ __.____.__.__.
                                  |  |  |  _  |  _  |  .  |  |  |  _/|  |  |
                                  |  |  |  ___|    _|  |  |  |  | |_ |     |
                                  |_____|__|  |__|__|_____|_____|____|__|__|
bnx-938b.lha      3057  07-12-06  
                                           _ ___ ______ _________________     
                                                                      _ / /\  
                                       *     b   R   O   N   X     *  \/ / \\ 
                                                             ._______   /    \
                                  ______/\  _ __/\ _____/\ __|     _/  /     /
                                  \_.__. _)__ __ \\      \\  \     | \/   __/ 
                                    |  |     \ / _/__|     \ \     |        \_
                                    |________/_\     \_ ___/_|\____| /\______/
                                  .______ _ yop \_____/         _   / _ _____.
                                  |                             \  /         |
                                  | "938 bytes"                  \/          |
                                  | Amiga Boot Intro - Released at :         |
                                  | 7D6 DEMO PARTY 2006 - iSTANBuL / tURkiYE |
                                  `----------------------------[ 4 ViGO ]----'
electro5.lha    352812  01-12-06  
                                  Ed Sinistar: ELECTRO500 INTRO
                                  (fast-intro for Amiga 1200)
                                  We had to desinfect it first from
                                  3 different types of virus!
atw_mdiv.lha   2632146  01-12-06  MegademoIV 2 by Artwork
                                  OS4 port by Xeron/IRIS 
bzh-stoe.lha   3488700  13-11-06  Some of The Other Entries
                                  Might Have Been Acceptable
                                  by Boozoholics
                                  demo from kindergarden 2006
NAH-SP65.LHA    782829  12-11-06   .   - -------[÷]·nAH-KOLOr·[÷]------ -   . 
                                   _        ______      ____  ____ _____    _
                                   |________\_   /______\_ /__\   |_   /____|
                                   |%%%\     /    _    __/   _    _/    /%%%|
                                   |%%%/    /     \    \|    \    |     \dKS|
                                   ¯·nAh-KoLoR pReSeNt tHeIr LaTeSt rElEaSe·¯
                                              ·( SpEeD iSsUe 65 )·             
                                    - -----[÷] ·cOmPiLeD bY cAsE· [÷]----- -
PL-START.LHA   9615368  03-11-06  :: Pure LaM3Rs proudly Presents ::::::::::::::::::::::
                                   A L C H I M I E  VI  C O D E  E N T R  Y  :
                                               S T A R  T R U K
                                  ( C O W  D O  Y O U  really  T H I N K  Y O U  A R E )
                                       23 October 2oo6 - Tain l'Hermitage - France
UNIV-TWO.LHA   3286044  03-11-06  "Two kitch" by Universe
                                  1st place at Alchimie 6
                                     *AmigaOS4 only !*
18years.lha     117817  03-11-06  "18 years" by Cream
MKD-OO.LHA      989703  24-10-06  Oo by mankind at alchimie oO6
DMS-WHIL.LHA    214362  29-09-06  "It's been a while tro"
                                  An ECS intro by Damones
ASP2006.LHA     797187  18-09-06  A little HAM8 Slideshow from
                                  the "Amiga Summer Party" held
                                  at Jörlanda/Gothenburg 25-27/8-2006.
                                  * AGA chipset
                                  * 68020 or better
VS4-ECS.LHA     579675  18-09-06  NUKLEUS+VOID    _______________
                                             .____\  ________   /______ __ _
                                  _  __ _____|  .___.\  ____/_____  ___ ___
                                  ___ ___  ____ |   |_\__ _      / /  //  /
                                  \  \\  \ \   \|   |    |/     / /  //  /
                                   \__\\__\ \_______|__________/ /__//__/spt
                                  |  the long awaited chart/mag is back    :
                                  |    not only for Amiga500, also OS4     |
                                  |  _   support. ECS VERSION INSIDE    _  |
                                  |__\     yOU'RE nOT tHE oNLY oNE!     /__|
NUK-CNB4.LHA   3978362  18-09-06  NUKLEUS
                                            Cows n Bubbles Intro
                                       Requirements: AmigaOS4 and lha!
                                  NUKLEUS+VOID    _______________
                                             .____\  ________   /______ __ _
                                  _  __ _____|  .___.\  ____/_____  ___ ___
                                  ___ ___  ____ |   |_\__ _      / /  //  /
                                  \  \\  \ \   \|   |    |/     / /  //  /
                                   \__\\__\ \_______|__________/ /__//__/spt
                                  | sCENEdIVING iN yOUR cLOSET   VERSUS #4 :
                                  | tHE aMIGAcHART fOR aLL mODELS iS hERE! |
                                  |  _                                  _  |
                                  |__\     yOU'RE nOT tHE oNLY oNE!     /__|
                                     Screenmode 640 x 480 is recommended
                                          for viewing the chartmag)
236.lha        5638454  31-08-06  demo "236" by Team PowerAmiga
                                  Chaos Constructions 2006 demoparty
                                  code & gfx by team AmiRUS
                                  music by Simon^CPU
fit-ste4.lha   2480464  29-08-06  Fit Demonstrandum MI MMVI
                                  Stercus Accidit
                                  OS4 version
UP-SHFGT.LHA    467429  29-08-06    .___ ___._______.
                                    |   |   |       |[UP ROUGH SOUNDSYSTEM]
                                  .-|   |   |   /\  |---------------------.
                                  | |_______|  /____|dentro!dentro!dentro!|
                                  |         |___|                         |
                                  |                                       |
                                  |                       "Shadow Fighter"|
                                  |         released in the demo compo at |
                                  |               amiga summer party 2006 |
                                  |                                       |
ster_mos.lha   2371293  25-08-06  Fit Demonstrandum MI MMVI
                                  Stercus Accidit
                                  Originally made for AGA/060 Amigas
                                  MorphOS port
fit-ster.lha   2563307  24-08-06  Fit Demonstrandum MI MMVI
                                  Stercus Accidit
                                  The (somewhat) optimized AGA/060 version
jml-spit.lha   4050674  24-08-06               _ _
                                       _      _\  __     ___
                                   ____\/___ _\_\/_//_  /  /______
                                   \_      /    \/   (_/ _//     /
                                    /     /     ||    /  \      / -jUMALAUTA--
                                   /     /______||____\___\_____\
                                         a demo for Pegasos+MorphOS
mi06-res.txt      1090  23-08-06  Motorola Inside 2006
mi06-mus.lha   2543981  23-08-06  Motorola Inside 2006
                                  Music compo entries
mi06-gfx.lha    290039  23-08-06  Motorola Inside 2006
                                  Graphics compo entries
S-KPill2.lha    947684  22-08-06   /^\ 
                                    \\ ChitZ0phReNiC
                                     "Karatepills 2"
                                   @ Motorola Inside 2006.
JP16.lha       4161702  20-08-06      Jurassic Pack#16 - The Legacy   
                                      ® by Moods Plateau & [S]carab   
                                  a Duesseldorf, Leipzig, Hamburg etc.
                                       connection in August 2006      
MDS-UTL.LHA     106576  18-08-06     ______________ __________ __________
                                     \     _    _  \\      _  \\    _   /
                                     /    /    /          /   _____ /__/_
                                   _/    /    /   _/     /  _/    /     /.
                                  .\    /____/____\_________\________  / :
                                  : \  /                           \  /  :
                                  |  \/  M O O D S   P L A T E A U  \/   |
                                  |     alternative platform EVOKE 2oo6  |
                                  `.__10 years UTL - a little bbs intro_.'
saxonia4.lha    320153  09-08-06  Saxonia issue 4
                                  diskmag by Void
TBL-StPV.lha  18141939  08-08-06             Starstruck
                                  A TBL Amigademo for Assembly 2006
                                  Party version released on 2006-08-07
                                  (real compo version, not placeholder)
asm06res.txt     15596  06-08-06  Assembly '06 results
rno-frtc.lha    412242  05-08-06     _________   .______   /__/\
                                  ___\__     /___|    _/  /     \ h7
                                  \   _/    /  _ \    \__/ oO  \ \__
                                  |___\_____\___\      \_\_____/
                                  [RAVE nETWORK /.
                                  oVERSCAN]              "Fruitcake"
                                   @Assembly 2006]           000/OCS
klx-cbdr.lha    194389  02-08-06      _____        _____       _________
                                  .--/    /___--- /    /\ ---__\   /   /_-.
                                  | /    /   /_  /    /_/_  /           /\|
                                  |/          /\/    /   /\/     /     / /|
                                  /____/_____/ /________/ /_____/_____/ / |
                                  |                                       |
                                  |      KLAXX PRESENTS: CYBER DREAMS     |
                                  |   A DEMO FROM BIG FLOPPY PEOPLE 2006  |
                                  |                                       |
                                  `---- We Eat Lamers Like Candy!!!!! ----'
LP-SUPER.LHA    507877  01-08-06        __
                                       |  |.-----. .-----.---.-.-----.
                                   ____|  ||  _  |_|  _  |  _  |-- __|____
                                  ·    |__||___._| |   __|___._|_____|    ·
                                  |                |__|LA PAZ PRODUCT 2006|
                                  |       /\/\/\                          |
                                  |       \_oo_/ "SUPERSTUDIO"            |
                                  |                                       |
                                  | released at "BIG FLOPPY PEOPLE 2006"! |
                                  |              2006-07-29               |
SFL-Q_PA.lha     63856  27-07-06  Q by Ham/SFL
                                  Party version
                                  Winning intro from Euskal14
trk-fd.lha     1849370  27-07-06  Funk Def by Traktor
                                  Demo from Solskogen 06
elc-samh.lha    219855  27-07-06  #######################
                                  THE INVITE FOR
                                  AMIGA SUMMER PARTY
fettkrem.lha  11357195  27-07-06  Spaceballs and Kvasigen
                                  at Solskogen 2006
                                  Slummy & Optimize
Nat-Absi.lha      4921  24-07-06  · ._____ ._____.______.__ __._____._____  ·
                                  : |:·   \|  ·  |_    _)  |·:|:·.  \  ___) :
                                  ¦ |  ¡   )  ¡  | |  | |  |  |     /  _)_  ¦
                                  | |  |__/|:.|__| |:.| |  !  |  |__)__ .:| |
                                  | `--'   `--'    `--' `-----'--' [cf]`--' |
                                  `-------------- - presents - -------------'
                                                   [ Absinth ]
                                          Released at Solskogen 2006
                                   Amiga 4k intro (req: AGA/020+/FPU/32MB)
wish.lha       1236232  21-07-06  "Wish we were in Italy"
                                  was released at:
                                  Codex Alpe Adria 2006
                                  in Udine, Italy.
                                  / AGA / 060 / RAM /
                                  We wish we were there!
                                   - Barry Blitter, 
                                     Slummy & Dominei
rnobzm06.lha    310377  20-07-06     _________   .______   /__/\
                                  ___\__     /___|    _/  /     \ h7
                                  \   _/    /  _ \    \__/ oO  \ \__
                                  |___\_____\___\      \_\_____/
                                  [RAVE nETWORK /.
                                  oVERSCAN]             "Boozembly06"
                                  [Invitation for
                                   Boozembly 2006]           000/OCS
rno-spac.lha     92964  03-07-06     _________   .______   /__/\
                                  ___\__     /___|    _/  /     \ h7
                                  \   _/    /  _ \    \__/ oO  \ \__
                                  |___\_____\___\      \_\_____/
                                  [RAVE nETWORK /.
                                  oVERSCAN]            "Spacekitten"
                                                          100k intro
                                   @Codex Alpe Adria 2006]   000/OCS
SQZ_LOAD.LHA     82239  28-06-06  Happy Birthday Psycotic Loady 
                                  by squirrelz
rno-mi06.lha    402127  28-06-06     _________   .______   /__/\
                                  ___\__     /___|    _/  /     \ h7
                                  \   _/    /  _ \    \__/ oO  \ \__
                                  |___\_____\___\      \_\_____/
                                  [RAVE nETWORK /.
                                  oVERSCAN]                   "MI06"
                                                 000/OCS/1MB Chipmem
AW06invF.lha    615017  06-06-06     ___  _____ _______ _ __ ___ __ __
                                    / . \|  .  \  __/  | |  \ . \  |  \
                                   /     \     /  \ \       /    \   _/
                                   \__|__/__|__\ _/  \__|__/__|__/___/
                                         "ArtWay2006 invitation"
                                  Req.: AmigaA_maybeUAE_PiGaS.O.S._A/ONE
                                        => fine on 060+some fast mem ;o)
                                         - need ahi | dbplayer.library
                                        demo compo @ BreakPoint06 party
out3_fin.lha   1404632  10-05-06  
                                        Storm Studios
                                          The SandS
                                         p r e s e n t
                                     :::Out of Style III:::
                                       ====amiga demo=====
                                   Design    : FatCrazer
                                   Gfx       : FatCrazer, V.exeR
                                   Music     : Xanah, Manwe, Tone
                                   Karate    : Mankind
                                  (c)2006 Storm Studios Undead Fraction/The SandS
se-vaan.txt      55017  02-05-06   ______ ___  .   ___ .  ____ . ______
                                  _\__ _/_\ /_ ___ \ /____\  /___\ ___/__
                                  /  /   /   //  // //   /  /   / __/   /
                                    /   /_  /    / /    /  /   /  /    /.
                                  ____ __\___   /_ \   /____  /___    /_
                                  |            -/- sTylE -/-             |
                                  |                                     .|
                                  | A new STYLE ascii release from Folar||
                                  |.            TAIKAA VAAN             :|
                                  |                                      <
out3rc1.lha    1304901  02-05-06  
                                        Storm Studios
                                          The SandS
                                         p r e s e n t
                                     :::Out of Style III:::
                                       RELEASE CANDIDATE!
                                       ====amiga demo=====
                                   Design    : FatCrazer
                                   Gfx       : FatCrazer, V.exeR
                                   Music     : Manwe, Xanah, Tone
                                   Karate    : Mankind
                                  (c)2006 Storm Studios Undead Fraction/The SandS
sedna.lha       371894  02-05-06  Sedna
lpstop.lha        4139  02-05-06  LPSTOP by LordVader/MAYhEM
                                  4k intro from DiHalt 2006
irs-kfix.lha   7826599  24-04-06           * kilofix - iris 2006 *
                                           *  100% biodegradable *
                                  This is the release version which will run
                                  with 25.1 MB available fastmem. AGA and 060
W9-KO2.LHA     1077723  22-04-06   ______  _____ ______  ______
                                  _\    /__\    _\  __ \_\  __ \
                                       /_ /  (       / /     / /n
                                  _   /       _                 i
                                   \___    ___/  \     \        n
                                   ry! \__   /____\/____\ ___\  e
                                   ______ _  W A R P  9  _ _____
                                  |       p.r.e.s.e.n.t.s       |
                                  |   -  - ------------- -  -   |
                                  |-[ K n o c k   O u t  #  2 ]-| 
                                  |                             |
                                  `--------  -       -  --------'
S+Z_BCMN.LHA     59912  22-04-06     ______  ______  ______  ______  _____ dNo
                                    .)  __/_.)    /_.) _  /_.)    /_.)   /_.
                                  .-|___   /|    -_/|  __  /|    __/|  -__/|-.
                                  | `--/----'----/--'--/____|-------'------' |
                                  |  spaceballs & zymosis boozing society    |
                                  |  - Brightly Colored Male Nipple          |
                                  |  the Solskogen 2006 Amiga Invitation     |
                                  |  _______  ______  _____  _____  ______   |
                                  | .)  - _/_.) _  /_.)   /_.)   /_.)  __/_, |
                                  `-|   -   /|  __  /|   /  |   /  |___   /|-'
bp06-res.txt     12333  17-04-06  Breakpoint 2006 results        
irs-kfix.lha   7826113  17-04-06  - Kilofix -
                                  - By IRIS -
                                  - In 2006 -
dft-bns.lha   13880217  17-04-06           ______ _____________ __________
                                   ________\     \\      _____/_      _  /_
                                   \       /     //      __/   /      /___/__
                                  _/     _/     //     _/    _/      /_ ___./
                                  \_._________________________________//   :
                                    |           d r | f t e r s            |
                                    |    b r a v e    n e w     s c e n e  |
                                    |        amiga 060 demo for bp 06      |
tlu-tdsc.lha   1469468  17-04-06  Tour de Scene by Tulou
                                  Amiga demo
                                  from Breakpoint 2006
eph_bp06.lha   8624608  17-04-06  Lux aetherna lucia eis
                                  by Ephidrena
                                  Amiga demo
                                  from Breakpoint 2006
Requiem.lha    8541037  17-04-06  Requiem by The Black Lotus
                                  Amiga demo
                                  from Breakpoint 2006
AW06invi.lha    562980  17-04-06     ___  _____ _______ _ __ ___ __ __
                                    / . \|  .  \  __/  | |  \ . \  |  \
                                   /     \     /  \ \       /    \   _/
                                   \__|__/__|__\ _/  \__|__/__|__/___/
                                         "ArtWay2006 invitation"
                                  Req.: AmigaA_maybeUAE_PiGaS.O.S._A/ONE
                                        => fine on 060+some fast mem ;o)
                                         - need ahi | dbplayer.library
                                        demo compo @ BreakPoint06 party
apt-swap.LHA     92127  17-04-06  
                                    [16-apr-2006]    ______      _____           
                                  ___________________\     \____/    /_______    
                                  \___________ \_   __\     \__     ________/    
                                   /  _______/  /   \________\/    /      \     
                                    ___                              ___
                                     `---[ s w a p t r o  2 0 0 6 ]---'
                                         a new swaptro from apathy!
rno-armp.lha     59850  15-04-06     _________   .______   /__/\
                                  ___\__     /___|    _/  /     \ h7
                                  \   _/    /  _ \    \__/ oO  \ \__
                                  |___\_____\___\      \_\_____/
                                  [RAVE nETWORK /.
                                  oVERSCAN]                 "Armpit"
                                                           64k intro
                                   @Breakpoint2006]          000/OCS
UPvsRNO.LHA      58822  15-04-06   ........................................
                                   :                                      :
                                   __  __ ______  ______ ______  __  ______
                                  (_(__\_\\ \ )_) \ \ )_)\_\ )_)_\_\(_(__)_)
                                   .       \_\   vs\_\                    .
                                   :                                      :
                                   :     UP ROUGH SOUNDSYSTEM vs. RNO     :
                                   :                                      :
                                   : "Tyson" a 64k intro released at BP06 :
                                   :                                      :
mds-mikr.lha     64422  16-04-06           /\
                                      __  /  \ ____/\ ____/\
                                     /  \/   \\ __  \\  _ //__     MOOdS 
                                    //  \/     \ /    \_ \/   \   PlAtEAU
                                   /____||      \_ ___/_______/
                                  <------|_______/ yop --------------------->
                                      M I K R O B I
                                      64 kB intro contribution to bkpt #$06
                                      code:  d0DgE gfx/design d!RT!E,d0DgE
                                      music: mAZE the chip ace
                                  - --------------------------------------- -
LNS-PL.lha        8775  16-04-06        Planet Loonies
                                         imitation 4k
                                          by Loonies
                                   For the Breakpoint 2006
                                    Amiga 4k competition.
JP15.LHA       3540981  03-04-06  pnk! .____    _____  _____ ___/ ___     ___
                                       |   /____\_  / _\_  //  / /  /  / / _/.
                                    ___|  /_\  /_/_/ / _  /_\ \ _\ \  / \  \ |
                                   /  /! /  / /_\  \/  / /     \    \/.__\   |
                                  /______\____\  \ /_____\-----/\---/\| //___|
                                     ______  _____ ____    ___/   /___|_\____|
                                   _/_    /__\_  //  _/___/  /   /           |
                                  /  /   /   _  /    \   /  /   /.  JURASSIC |
                                    ____/    / /        /___\   \|  PACK #15 |
                                  ___\ /_______\________\    \_______________|
                                    Moods Plateau & [S]carab together casted
                                      a magic spell on: Jurassic Pack #15
                                  released the day after EC`s nuclear fallout
                           23756603  03-04-06  Eurochart 48
                                  68k+GFXCard, OS4, MOS, PPC Linux
                                  x86 Linux and Windows versions
IRS-EC48.lha   3628501  03-04-06  Eurochart 48
                                  68k AGA version
3stars.lha     1276608  26-03-06  3STARS_01/02/03  by ed sinistar
                                  Amiga AGA intros
                                  HNY96 VIRUS REMOVED
                                  CHECK YOUR FILES IF YOU HAVE GOT
                                  DEMOS FROM OTHER SOURCES
VS3+AMI.LHA     227044  03-03-06  NUKLEUS+VOID    _______________
                                             .____\  ________   /______ __ _
                                  _  __ _____|  .___.\  ____/_____  ___ ___
                                  ___ ___  ____ |   |_\__ _      / /  //  /
                                  \  \\  \ \   \|   |    |/     / /  //  /
                                   \__\\__\ \_______|__________/ /__//__/spt
                                  | sCENEdIVING iN yOUR cLOSET   VERSUS #3 :
                                  | tHE aMIGAcHART fOR aLL mODELS iS hERE! |
                                  |  _                                  _  |
                                  |__\ 060227, yOU'RE nOT tHE oNLY oNE! /__|
REDD-POC.LHA   5928329  19-02-06  POC demo made by the 'Red Devils'
                                      ranked #2 at fYaNICA 05
                                            Requires OS4
                                   and Radeon graphics with Warp3D
par-pr31.lha     35815  19-02-06  PREMIUM IS 31 BIRTHDAY INTRO - ECS
                                  by paradise
LNS-MFIN.LHA  12000893  19-02-06                  ._________
                                   ______.   _ ___|       _/___/\
                                   \_    |______  \       |  _ //____
                                    |    |      \ \       |__ \/     \
                                    |_________ //_|\______|__________/
                                  <====== yop \/ =====================>
                                  "Multiverse" final version by Loonies
                                   from bp05  ->
AWY-STC.lha     284956  30-01-06     ___  _____ _______ _ __ ___ __ __
                                    / . \|  .  \  __/  | |  \ . \  |  \
                                   /     \     /  \ \       /    \   _/
                                   \__|__/__|__\ _/  \__|__/__|__/___/
                                             "Save The Compo"
                                  Req.: AmigaA_maybeUAE_PiGaS.O.S._A/ONE
                                        => fine on 060+some fast mem ;o)
                                        demo compo @ artway05 party
                              30341  06-01-06            ___     _____________ __________  
                                  .________\\  \___\\_          //         //_
                                  |           _ (_   /        _//           _/
                                  |_          \  /  /_________\             \ 
                                   - -diP--------------------------------aSL- -
                                          . d r i f t e r s  @ tum 2005
                                        oldskool intro compo: Little Star
                               4919  06-01-06  the Ultimate Meeting 2005
                                  oldskool intro & combined 64 &
                                  4k compo:
                                  Ephidrena & Scarab present:
                                  Gin Tonic
bits500.lha       6167  06-01-06                   BITS                       
                                                 INTRO 500                    
                                          "Merry Christmas 2005"              
                                          |2005 =====-----     |              
                                          |     =====-----     |              
                                          |    =====-----      |              
                                          |  =====-----   BITS |              
                                          |=====-----          |              
                                          |====-----      BITS |              
                                          |====-----           |              
                                          |=====-----     BITS |              
                                          |  =====-----   BITS |              
                                                Visit BITS                    
fvsr-prn.lha   1016682  06-01-06  
                                       .__________   ._______.   .__________.
                                   .__\|         /__\|_      |__\|_         |
                                   |   |      __/     /      |    /         |
                                   |_  |______\      /       |   /         _|
                                  _ /______|_________________|__/__________\ _
                                         F   U   N   K    T   i   O   N
                                         - -------------------------- -
                                                 funktion vs rno
                                              amiga demo for tum05
                                    _                                      _
voidsare.lha     18959  06-01-06   __   _____ ___ ____
                                   \ \ / / _ \_ _|  _ \     Rumrunner
                                    \ V / (_) | || |_) |    Malmis
                                     \_/ \___/___|____/     Maze
                                  "Void are back in town"
                                  10 years of Void - happy new 2006!!

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